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James Martin

James T. Martin has spent the last 25 years attempting to unravel the mysteries of Revelation and end-time prophecy. However, the published books and Bible studies he experienced left him with more questions than answers. Numerous opinions and theories exist, but what do the scriptures say? He felt called to gather the clues buried in various books of the Bible and write a layman’s guide that demystifies Revelation and end-time prophecy.

James was raised in a Christian family and began his personal relationship with Christ at age 11. As an adult, he was elected as a Deacon, Chairman of the Board of Deacons, Men’s Ministry chair, and served on numerous committees and local mission teams. He worked on a church staff for two years and volunteers today as Vice President of Hangin’ on Faith Ministries. He is married with two grown children and is a business owner.

Many of the concepts in his books question core beliefs and theology. James is not a pastor, has never been to seminary, or taken college courses in religion. However, he seeks to know and understand God’s Word and to answer Jesus’ call: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Visit his Amazon Author Page for more details.